Friday February 15, 2019
Why is it when people get upset or mad at something they think you did that offended them, instead of talking about it civilly, their first instinct is to cut you off? I’ve never understood that. I mean if cutting negative people out is something you need to do then by all means, I get it. But I’m talking about when someone feels that you’ve wronged them, instead of hearing what you have to say, it’s just an immediate “we’ll we are done”. And I’m not just talking family, but friendships. Dear friendships that you thought were so strong but one thing goes wrong and it’s goodbye forever. Pictures popped up today in my TimeHop and was from my surprise bridal shower that was 10 years ago today. And some of the people in those pictures, we no longer speak. And today it makes me sad. Sad for me and for my husband. And then that got me thinking to another friendship ended wrongly. I don’t know if it’s all the meds I’m hopped up on but I began to think how much I missed that friendship too. And you know what I did? I reached out. Why not. After all these years, all the things we’ve missed in each other’s lives, why not. I’m all about making amends these days. You just really never know where life is going to take you and I’d rather know I tried once more.
I just want all my friends today to know if we ever don’t like something that one of us did, let’s just be open about it. No great friendships should ever have to end over a difference of opinion because we are all allowed to think differently. The most important part is to accept that you’ve hurt someone, apologize, and figure out a way to move on together. If there were hurts on both sides, well it’s understandable- everyone has disagreements and their own feelings. That’s life. The most important thing is to not make them look bad to anyone else. What’s between you two should be it. Judging and spreading negative things about people you don’t agree with is just as bad and hurtful.
I reached out to those few people I haven’t spoken to in almost 5-8 years or so. If even if it only remains in hey hope you are well, that will suffice.
I’m putting this out there because maybe they’ll see this since I know they read from time to time. At least I can say once again I tried. That’s all I can do.
Thanks for reading!
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